What We Do
We assist Vancouver Island and marine-approach First Nations in the following ways:
Background/Timeline of IMAWG
- Started as Island Fraser River and Approach Working Group (IFRAWG)
- Funded under other A-Tlegay Fisheries Society supporting Vancouver Island Fraser River Engagement.
- Changed name to Island Marine Aquatic Working Group.
- PICFI funding for biologists.
- Council of Ha’wiih Partnership
- First Nations Fisheries Council Partnership
- Management Action Tracker
- Constitution and Bylaws created
- Annual planning started
- Started Island Specific Tier One and Two
- Species: salmon, crab, herring, prawn and halibut with participation in “Roadmap”
- Incorporation as a Society
- Board of Directors
- First Strategic Plan
- Hired two P/T biologists
- Island Marine Aquatic Technical Working Group created
- Funded under Qualicum and Mama’omas Limited Partnership
- Supported the Fraser Salmon Management Council transition
- Regional Engagement with BC Indigenous Organizations
- Social Media and Newsletters
- Professional meeting minutes
- PICFI funding removed
- Annual Cultural Relationship Workshop with DFO started
- IMAWG President and DFO Area Director Quarterly Meetings
- Annual Data Management Workshop started
- Funding independent; supported by Board of Directors and Accounting Team
- Annual Governance Workshop with DFO started
- Lower Fraser Fisheries Alliance partnership & Creation of Operational Guidelines with DFO
- Action Planning Meetings (Post Tier Two) started & meeting report cards started
- Access and Allocation Framework Process to Engage to DFO
- Annual Reconciliation Workshop & Develop of a new Strategic Plan
- Increased Continuity of IMAWG Members & Tier Three participation as Observer
- Pacific Salmon Commission, Fraser River Technical as Observer
- Action Planning Summaries to replace redundant Tier letter process
- Negotiated Funding for Members Professional Services
- Pivot to Online Engagements due to COVID-19
- Granted a BCSRIF for Vancouver Island Salmon Committee
- Field Equipment Rental Program for Indigenous organizations
- Providing Advice to AAROMs on Improved Collaboration
- Increasing Communication through Social Media
- Changing DFO Engagement Structure to Focus on Technical Building